We have often shared with our customers and colleagues Blogs and Articles about 3D Laser Scanning as a method of modern multi dimensional capturing. We have published also our opinion about the importance of Engineering Software products, development and precision. All these lead to better and better design job and successful projects.
Here is a great example – 3D scanning plus the great Software products resulting in a great 3D model accuracy and best quality engineering and documentation by which retrofitting projects go so smooth and precise.
Countless advantages, just to name a few:
- Great accuracy and best fit onboard
- Minimizing project time
- Significantly less time for onboard works – less time for ship out of service respectively
- Completely prefabricated new components – easy mounting onboard
Some pictures below showing how the 3D model corresponds perfectly to the end result in our recent Retrofit project – Scrubber system installation for MV Drujba. With such tools and capabilities in engineering retrofit projects – only the sky is the limit.